On Tuesday, June 19, The Music Studio’s academic year culminated in two spectacular shows with one title: “Stars on Broadway.” A combined 204 Foundation Program students performed in these shows, 22 Music Studio Kids, and countless helpers from carrying to costuming. Audiences packed the Performing Arts Center at the University at Albany, where the crew, helmed by Patrick Ferlo, worked magic on lights and sound so that Mrs. Liberty and her crew could just focus on the student performers.
And what performers they were! Bringing to life songs from classic Broadway shows Oliver!, Grease, Annie, Oklahoma!, A Chorus Line, and The Sound of Music, these young kids lit up the stage. In between acts, The Music Studio Kids (as a whole ensemble and in various combinations) and student Jesse Cohen-Greenberg (on stage and at the piano) kept the songs coming, and pianist Donald Sosin and percussionist Mark Foster kept the shows humming along.
The photos above are by Dino Petrocelli, just a tiny sample of the wonderful work he did all evening. Enjoy highlights from video captured by Al Woodard: