Recreational Piano for Adults

Classes Are Ongoing

call to discuss which level is right for you


or email

for more information.


Do you wish you’d taken piano lessons as a child? Or do you wish you’d never quit? The Music Studio has the answer: Recreational Piano. We can’t fix the past but we can fill your future with music. All you have to do is enroll in Recreational Piano, the adult piano program offered by the Capital Region’s leading music school. Featuring The Music Studio’s highly experienced faculty, well-equipped classrooms, and small class size, these courses fun and effective. They are less of a financial commitment than individual lessons, but they hold students accountable the same way, and they offer the extra benefit of a community of learners.

How does it work? The teacher introduces musical concepts and keyboard skills while students begin to train their eyes, ears, and fingers at one of the eight digital pianos in each classroom. In this manner, Beginner and Advanced Beginner classes work their way through two adult piano books, which address both theory and practice, and start students playing melodies from the very first week. As they progress, they begin to work on individual pieces that take longer to master. Along the journey, they receive guidance from their teacher and feedback from their peers.

All classes are $340 plus materials. Ongoing classes are prorated; call us for more information.


Class Options


Advanced Beginner: Continuing to learn the basics.

Thursday 7:45 p.m. Ongoing. Call to join. 

Intermediate: Ready to move on to harder music.

Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Ongoing. Call to join. 

No Pressure Refresher: Skilled and experienced (if sometimes rusty).

Monday 1:15 p.m. Filled. Please email or call if you’re interested.


Need more inspiration? Read “Five Things I Learned When I Started to Take Piano Lessons at Age 40” by Kate Cohen.