Once students have completed The Foundation (in three to four years, depending on the age they started), they are ready to move on to private piano lessons with The Music Studio faculty. Students typically enter The Piano Program around age eight or nine. (In order to accommodate all of our current Foundation Program students who wish to continue with us, we cannot accept outside students to our Piano Program. Please call; we are happy to recommend a private teacher.)
The lessons are individual, but the sense of camaraderie and group endeavor persist. Students continue to have periodic group theory and repertoire classes and to play music with and for their peers. We go on occasional field trips as a group and invite our students to gather together to perform for charitable fundraisers.

Some performances are required: from a very young age, Music Studio students develop poise, performance, and listening skills in regular recitals, and they learn self-assessment for periodic evaluations. But they never enter either a performance or an evaluation without the utter confidence of being thoroughly prepared.
We also provide students myriad opportunities to interact with professional musicians: performances with the Albany Symphony Orchestra, and in-house rehearsals with the ASO conductor; master classes with visiting composers; jazz recitals in which the piano students performs with professional bass and drum players; and much, much more.
Weekly lessons by appointment.